Can’t get my pictures where I want them

  • okay. I’ll try those steps and come back later.

  • I get the white screen as well, so I go and update flash, and all is well again, until I log in again and then need to repeat the process. It’s clumsy and time consuming, but seems to do the trick.

    Also, I’ve noticed the size of thumbnails has changed. Any idea how to get them to post consistent? My pages are showing three sizes of photos.

    I know the mods are getting pounded, so just to say I appreciate all you are trying to do to keep us afloat until we master this new (dreadful) system.


  • Still no resolution on how to get photos to go where I pointed, and … the edit page does not look like the view page, so there is still a big song and dance to go back and forth to make the little tweaks needed to line everything up. Again, clumsy and time consuming, but in the end it looks like I intended. Sorta.

    I have windows xp if that makes any differnce.


  • Download and install and use windows live writer. Upload everything easily afterwards.

    It has saved my sanity.

  • where does one get this windows live writer?

  • Nevermind, I found it, but alas unable to download it due to some stupid compatibility issue.

    More song, more dance, no results.

  • I’ve been trying for 45 minutes to post a picture. Zero results. Too big, too small, or ends up in the wrong place.

    Why did the size of the thumbnails change?

  • I read back through a number of the threads but cannot find the one comment on how to control the size of your photos. Now that the size of thumbnails has changed, I need to size new ones to match the old ones.

    Is there a way?

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