Can't follow a site and don't know why + I'm getting an error

  • I’ve been trying to get to a site but can’t seem to find it. I’ve tried searching every which way on WordPress. The name of the site is MissPetPaws.
    I ‘ve been following this site for a while but yet WordPress says I’m not following this site. I’ve tried to follow this site again but just get an error. Why is this happening? The site link as far as I know unless site address has changed is: MissPetPaws . If I’m not following this site on WordPress, I want to follow this site. The error is in the block quote and it says: Sorry, there was a problem following . Please try again.
    I hope you can help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    The site doesn’t seem to load so there are probably some issues with it. It’s hosted on GoDaddy, not on though so we can’t really give you any more information about this.
    The owners of the site will need to fix the underlying issues for the site to work correctly and for you to be able to subscribe to it.

  • OH!! Well thanks for trying to help. Will contact owner/administrator of site.

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