Can't embed Youtube videos

  • Since this morning, when I put the Youtube videos like I usually do to embed, it doesn’t work. It only shows the /watch?v= or something like that.
    My site is and I wonder if it’s temporary or the way to embed has changed.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Every day at least twice a day I post this same thing. I use the youtube shortcode and it works every time for me. I never use the Media link. I never have to break and link. I simply type the youtube video shortcode into my post or page between square brackets using either the visual or HTML editor and it works every time. Would you like to try using the youtube shortcode?

    You are using far too many tags on your posts. the rule of thumb is less is more. You use the minimum combined number of Categories and Tags that describe the content accurately. See here > Global Tags > Missing Posts

  • Timethief — I went looking in forums for an answer to my problem and found this answer. I just had the same problem. The link shows up in my post but not the video. I tried your shortcode with brackets and without brackets in visual editor and it didn’t work either time. Same as before — just the link. I’ve already published it so it has gone out like this to all my email followers.
    WordPress support tells us to paste the media link on a line by itself and they will take care of the rest!
    Off-topic: why do my internal links show up as comments in my dashboard?

  • Nevermind, Timethief. I went back to WP Support and read everything about shortcodes for youtube videos and decided that my problem might be that I had copied the url from the browser bar and thus had an underlined link. Rather than hit the break link button, I just retyped it so there was no link underlining. Voila!
    I wish there was a way to resend it to my email followers.
    I sure hate to bother you but I’m glad you are here when I’m struggling.

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