Can't edit woocommerce single product css

  • Hi,

    I’m using a theme (Bokeh) which is not fully compatible with woocommerce, thus I’m correcting every dis-adjustments at the additional css space (customization). It’s working so far so good, until I’ve encountered a page which I can’t manage to edit. I’ve tried with all combinations of identifications for the css, but nothing works.

    This is the body class: product-template-default single single-product postid-1134 logged-in admin-bar theme-bokeh woocommerce woocommerce-page woocommerce-js ehf-template-bokeh ehf-stylesheet-bokeh navbar-side_dark navbar-side padding-top padding-bottom theme-light elementor-default elementor-kit-316 customize-support

    I believed normally it should be .postid-1134{} but it just does not work.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be very much appreciated.



  • Hi there,

    You’re in the wrong forum. To get help with the WooCommerce plugin you need to post in these forums:

    The forums you are currently posting are for providing support to hosted sites only.

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