Can't edit thumbnails

  • when I try to edit thumbnails under – manage gallery- edit thumb, I get a broken image icon and am unable to edit my thumbnails as I want them to appear. when I attempt ‘create a new thumbnail’ under the bulk actions tab, I continue to get – A failure occurred- message. Under more it lists
    define(‘WP_CACHE’, true): //Added by WP-Cache Manager 1.
    Not sure what is going on, or how to fix this. Thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m sorry, where exactly are you seeing these functions in your Dashboard?

    Manage Gallery>Edit Thumb
    Bulk Actions>Create New Thumbnail

  • I am using wordpress to host my website. I also have a blog on wordpress. The dashboards for both are different. There is an extra gallery tab underneath settings. I hadn’t realized that I was logged in as my profile. Sorry.

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