Can't edit any‑polë any articlë ôr new aftër ±30sec.

  • Hello,
    since yesterday afternoon,
    after opening pro editing or creating an article,

    after 20 to 40 sec,
    the page became unusable & seem locked by a script (bugged ? Or volontary),
    that prevent to write, click publish or save.
    I dôn’t know if I’m the only one with this trouble,
    but it is very annoying.

    I tried one smartphone, P.C. (Chrome, FireFox, WP application),
    same bug anywhere.

    I want to report.

    Thank you. Good day.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @nemzag thanks for this report, and for letting us know it’s happening across multiple devices. Can you confirm whether this happens on all posts or just a certain one? If it’s one, which one?

  • @supernovia

    on my desk‑top, lap‑top, shmanth‑pʰône.

    In new, old (reedit), page & post…

    The re‑usable block are just ën‑savable (in post as block or in dedicated page in menu.

    Tʰankh you pro your ḩêlph.

  • And also I qan’t côn‑vêrth a HTML or any block in Re‑usable‑block.

    And FireFox show a yellow bar, to têll that a script is making trouble,
    and ask if I vanth to stop it or to let him continue.

    I ḩôpe it ḩêlph.

  • Hi there,

    I’m having a little trouble understanding your reply. To clarify your issue is primarily with creating “reusable blocks” yes? You mentioned this:

    And FireFox show a yellow bar, to têll that a script is making trouble,
    and ask if I vanth to stop it or to let him continue.

    Is it possible to take a screenshot of that? It does not sound like something we have seen before, so it may help to see what you see.

    Also is it possible you will find it easier to communicate with staff in French? I see this is the language you have set in your account. Please note that we also provide support in French to better help you if you prefer!

  • Ħɛllo, I made a video, I up‑load‑ed them in YouTube,
    wait to have the H.D.

    Ʒood bye, and tʰang pro ħɛlʰp.

  • I hope you find a correction to these minus bug.

  • I also notified, that opening a file with reusable block,
    will remove it,
    after a save.

  • Sorry, It happen because the reusable block (code line),
    was inside a html block.
    Wrong report, anyway the bug is still present.

  • It happen because the reusable block (code line),
    was inside a html block.

    Can you please give us a link to a post in which this is happening, and also specify which reusable block on your site is causing the issue?

  • No it’s not necessary,
    it was a mistake in the code because I use a reusable block inside a HTML block between HTML code.

    But I hope you will find a solution to this hack‑bug.
    I’m the only one with this trouble ? Or other also have it ?

    Thank you. Good day and happy life.

  • This is the first I’ve heard of this problem, and I’m also not able to reproduce it as described, so seeing the exact post with the problem on your site as my colleague’s have requested is necessary for us to continue to identify (and eventually correct) the issue.

  • Hello.
    The script lock bug happen in any post or page editor in my case.
    In Chrome, FireFox, dedicated application.
    On lap‑top, desk‑top, shmanth‑pʰône.

    You just need to go to editor.

  • Ħɛllo, any new’s ?

  • As @kokkieh and @staff-blorbo have both mentioned, we have now way to look into this until you point out where on your site it is happening, so we can take a closer look there.

    Can you tell us where we can see this issue on your site?

    You can also take a video of the issue so we can see what happens for you, and the try to follow your exact steps so we can reproduce the issue on our end, thanks.

  • Hi, I explained above and all is shown in video,
    I dô‑n’t comprehend what you ask in for ?

  • I think we’re confused because there seem to be two independent issues here. What I can see on your video looks like your PC having issues processing the data, and ultimately the tab getting stuck.
    What makes me think so is that we have not seen any similar reports, and I’m also not able to reproduce this on my test site – everything works just as expected.

    I noticed on your video that you have many tabs opened on your browser, and I can also see some heavy programs like Photoshop running in the background. I wonder, do you experience the same issue when is the only opened tab, and no other programs are running in the background?

    Let’s first try to solve this, before going into the problems with the reusable block, in case the two are related.

  • It’s not about programs running back‑ground,
    since it happen on my smart‑phone, lap‑top, desk‑top,
    with several navigators and WP dedicated application.

    The video I made in the other support request,
    was about the next / previous article links who bug,
    on all my machines and with any navigators.

    I just mentioned the freezing bug, because it continue to happen.

    So please. Find a solution.
    I’m just a simple little user,
    who use a platform,
    to write my memory,

    who should work pro‑per‑ly,
    made by a team who are paid for,
    and a society / corporation (WP) who get rich with this,

    I can’t waste and spend my time making reports, screen cast, respond to question that are mentioned above,
    doing djobs of testers,
    because time is money, or amusement.

    Please. I have 41 year, I’m sick,
    I dô‑n’t have lot of time prior me.
    So consider this. Because it annoy me very much.
    And my remaining time, is important.
    I prefer to be true and tell this to you.

    Good bye. And thank pro you ḩêlʰp.

  • @staff-mckluskey

    Hi, do you tested with same theme ?
    Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    I’ve been testing this issue on a test site and on your site, and the issue of the editor freezing seems to occur on your site only. I also noticed that you have many (!) reusable blocks that you have created. I can see here that there are over 1600 listed:

    To explain, the issue (I suspect) is that when the editor loads, in the background it is also loading your full list of reusable blocks. The idea being that you would need to see that list if you were to try to add a reusable block to your new page/post. For a normal site with a reasonable number of reusable blocks, this is not an issue.

    However, every computer system has its limits and in the case of your site, trying to load a list of all 1600 reusable blocks may be causing some trouble here that makes the editor freeze up.

    Are you able to delete these re-usable blocks? That seems like quite a few that you have, more than you could possibly access on a regular basis.

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