Can't customize Esquire theme

  • I really like the Esquire theme, but when I click on customize, it gets stuck on loading design tools. Is this a common problem with this theme or is this unique to me?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    This seems to be a bug with the Esquire theme and blogs with custom domains. Thanks for the report. I’ve opened a bug report and I’ll keep you updated with the progress.

  • Hi there, did you unsubscribe from the custom domain upgrade? If so, can you check to see if the problem is still happening on your end? It’s still happening on my end.

    If the problem is still occurring, can you switch to a different theme temporarily and see if that changes anything? This way we can see if this issue is specific to Esquire. Thanks!

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