Can't change profile picture

  • I keep trying to change my profile picture. I follow all the steps in ‘My Profile’ but when it gets to the end it says ‘Hmm, your new Gravatar was not saved. Please try uploading again.’
    This has been happening for weeks – help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there, sometimes logging out of your profile and closing your browser then logging back in helps. Another thing that you can try if that does not work is clearing your browsers cache. Here are the steps to clearing the cache.

    Solve Common Browser Issues

    Let us know if this helped. If not we’ll tag a staff member to try some other troubleshooting steps :-)

  • Thank you but I tries both things and it still doesn’t work. I also tried using a different browser with no success. Are there rules about file size and type? (I’ve tried both jpeg and bitmap).

  • Hello again, I apologize for taking so long to respond to your reply above. With Gravatar it is best to probably use jpeg for file type as it will keep the file size smaller as it might not work on WordPress if it is too large. Also try to keep the dimensions of the picture no larger than 80px by 80px as I believe that’s the max for a profile picture here.

    I will also tag a staff member for you to help you out some more as our basic troubleshooting steps did not help. Maybe they know something I don’t.

    Have a good day! :-)

  • Just noting you can go ahead and upload something larger than 80×80 pixels. Plenty of sites use larger images.

    But, I agree; don’t try to upload a bitmap as that file type would be huge. Can you let us know how big the file you’re uploading is?

    Also, are you able to upload it via ?

  • Hi there

    I was able to successfully upload the photo into My Media, but when I go to my profile and attempt to change the photo by clicking on “Click to change photo”, it takes me to the file selector on my computer to upload a new image. It doesn’t give me the option to select a photo from My Media.

    The picture I am trying to change my profile picture to is a jpeg, is 1.72MB in size and the dimensions are 3023 x 3134.


  • Would you mind if we attempt uploading it from our end?

  • Noting too, you might try resizing down to about 2000 pixels wide and see if that makes any difference.

  • Thank you – I’ve done it! I reduced the size of the jpeg to 2000 pixels wide and it worked!

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