Can´t Backup and restore blog posts [HELP!]

  • the site I´m workin on is really slow, and that´s because I had to use the work of a previous developer, migrated it upgraded it from 4.9 and tried to clean it.
    the site was filled with useless plugins I had to uninstall. I ran WP-Optimize, switched to cloudflare, tried to identify the problems with Query monitor, installed HeartBeat, Installed Limit Login Attempts, and still slow slow.
    BTW I use Divi, and never had this kind of issue before.

    I would really like to make a new install.
    Someone knows how to successfully export and import 350 blog entries? featured images and all the media?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Just to clarify, are you trying to export a site hosted elsewhere and import it into a site hosted on Or are you trying to export a site hosted elsewhere and import it into another site hosted elsewhere?

  • hello,
    I already migrated.
    I´m currently working with a single ISP. So what I want to do, is to backup the blog entries, erase the whole site, make a clean wordpress instalation, and restore the blog with featured images and all the media.
    I only managed to restore the written part of all the entries once, without media.

  • Got it. These forums are actually for the free-tier sites we host:

    We’re separate from the free software itself. We provide managed hosting for folks who use it and want someone else to handle tech issues. For help with your own installation, I’d recommend working with your host on this directly, as this particular thing you’re doing could be somewhat complicated.

    If you want to just migrate a clean copy to our services, I’d recommend using the content-only method we outline here:

    The instructions for doing the same thing at your hosting provider would probably be fairly different, given you need to move the installation and whatnot. Or they may have another method they’d recommend. I’d ask them for help, or try the forums for the free WordPress software at

    Cheers! And if you want to try migrating here, you could start with a free plan to see how it goes. Let us know if you have questions.

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