Can't Access My Site

  • Something is preventing me from editing the pages on my site. Two incidents: one, when I open a page to edit it, I get the “A more recent verions of this page exists. Restore?” I place my arrow over the “Don’t Restore” button but nothing happens.

    Other pages don’t present this window. In other instances I can click on the EDIT button and access the page but once I do that the page freezes up. So something is blocking me from accessing my site. I have not viruses. Anti-virus protection is up-to-date and protected.

    Any help? Thanks.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Actually, it might only be the 1 page: EXAMS. I was just able to access the other page but only after several minutes of waiting for my system to set.

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