Cannot Write Post & Blog Not Loading Properly

  • My blog is still a mess. My sidebar is pushed to the bottom and I know that my images aren’t too large.

    Plus,the text of my recent blog title – situated where the “Recent Posts” widget is located – is very large.

    Could it be a problem with the CSS format? I don’t want to fiddle around with it if this problem can be fixed through the WordPress technical support.

    And Markel, all three links: and worked for me.

  • My blog is still a mess. My sidebar is pushed to the bottom and I know that my images aren’t too large.

    Plus,the text of my recent blog title – situated where the “Recent Posts” widget is located – is very large.

    Could it be a problem with the CSS format? I don’t want to fiddle around with it if this problem can be fixed through the WordPress technical support.

    The problem you are experiencing is different; this post:

    Masterclass Discussion Thread For America’s Got Talent Top 10 Show

    has some HTML that is interfering with your blog’s layout.

    We have a guide to help with determining problems like this here:

    Please check out those tips and give it a shot; if you are still experiencing problems with it, please contact us in Support directly for assistance:


  • I don’t know if this is related to the problems stated above. However, when I log in, the tool bar at the top doesn’t appear (where it says “dashboard” etc) so I can’t get to my blog. Is there some way I can fix this. Thanks!

  • I cannot add a post to my blog,
    I usually use firefox, but I tried Internet Explorer and it did not work either.
    I tried to add some pictures, and got an unnumbered error message. I decided to use the code for old pictures, and that and the text did not load.
    This is very annoying and I hope it is resolved soon

    Did you check the links listed above to see if it was firewall-related?

    If you did and the links checked out, you should contact us at and we can take a closer look for you.

  • I don’t know if this is related to the problems stated above. However, when I log in, the tool bar at the top doesn’t appear (where it says “dashboard” etc) so I can’t get to my blog. Is there some way I can fix this. Thanks!

    It’s probably not related (run the test links if you think it is).

    Normally, if you run into a problem with the admin bar not appearing, it can be solved by clearing your browser cache, then logging out of and logging back in.

    If that doesn’t work, give us a shout at Support at

  • I am having the same difficulties as all of the above:

    Cannot click on tool bar at the top.
    When I clear cache, cookies, etc., and reload (IE 8) – then I can get to the post, but when I load a post to edit, nothing shows in the text editor.
    I cannot add a post or edit a post in either blog.
    CTRL+F5 does not fix anything.

    The webpages (both of my sites) are messed up with the toolbars showing as html text in the middle of the sites. Ditto with all of the cache, cookie, etc. clearing, CTRL+F5. Nothing works to correct the problem.

    This has been going on since this morning (0800 CDT, US). It is happening on all of the computers on my personal network and on the computer at my husband’s office network as well.

    Please advise. Thank you.

  • This has been going on since this morning (0800 CDT, US). It is happening on all of the computers on my personal network and on the computer at my husband’s office network as well.

    Please advise. Thank you.

    Did you check the test links I provided above? Please give those a shot.

    After you’ve run the test, please drop us a support request at and let us know what you’ve found. This sounds like your browser is not downloading the JavaScript and other files that are necessary for a lot of to work.

  • Just figured it out. Both network routers were not allowing the domain. Something changed somewhere within the last 24 hours.

  • Just figured it out. Both network routers were not allowing the domain. Something changed somewhere within the last 24 hours.

    Do you subscribe to a content filtering service of any kind that auto-updates your router rules? If you do, can you please inform us as to who the provider is?

    That would help us to determine what’s going on for any users who might run into the problem.

    Thanks for any help you can provide in this matter.

  • i cant publish. and my dashboard page is ALLLLL messed up. each item is in triplicate (3 lines for post, appearance, settings, etc.. In a new post i cant switch btwn text and html.. the whole page is just WEIRD.. wassup?

  • PS. cant use any widgets either

  • Problem solved for me. Note to self: get a life and stop being so damned addicted to blogging!

    Thanks to the support team and other members for their time and input.

  • WordPress support has me back in the game. Thank you.

    International Literacy Day

  • I am seeing this issue too. I spoke with IT and they said nothing changed between now and yesterday (when I could still access my fully functional, fully loaded dashboard). When I click on the test links, I see the network block for ‘pornography’ for:

    For I see the blog post and nothing seems to be blocked.

  • Also all of this is seemingly being blocked by SONICWALL.

  • Thanks Markel! That did the trick. Just a simple <div> tag problem. :)

  • Also all of this is seemingly being blocked by SONICWALL.

    This is managed by your IT department and they will need to unblock the affected domains.

  • From another thread:

    >making sure * and * are not
    > blocked by them. We have put in similar requests ourselves.

    My IT guy did this right away and wordpress appears back to normal I can type a new post and the format of the blog is correct again.

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