Cannot find my blog

  • Hi

    I have not changed any settings yet all of a sudden does not load at all and I cannot figure out why.

    However if I go through and check ‘My blogs’ the pages and posts are all there – but the home page once again does not load.

    Please help.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Help! My site is not loading either. I get this when I try to open my website:
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Wickett_Twitter_Widget in /home/content/25/7526525/html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/widgets/twitter-widget.php on line 256
    and i can’t even do what you’re doing…by going into wordpress and looking at my blogs…
    My site: is not loading at all. Help!!

  • Maybe there’s some server glitch or something since its happening to more people!

    If this doesn’t resolve itself in a few hours, we’ll have reason to worry.

  • @wovensouls, when the front page (post page) of a site shows the “not found” error, it typically means that it cannot find posts to display. Check at posts > all posts and look over to the right hand column in the list where it should show the date and then underneath that the word “published.” If it says “last modified” below the date, then that means the posts have not been published, or were somehow “unpublished.”

  • @annaweltman, that site is self-hosted and you need to head over to the forums as that is where self-hosted wordpress blogs using the software from wordpress.ORG are supported.

    These forums are for those hosted here on the wordpress.COM free hosting service and things here work differently.

    If you are not familiar with the differences, see this support document.

  • @wovensouls, they are not hosted here so their issue has nothing to do with wordpress.COM.

  • i’m not with and never have been. always been on
    I even tried to go there, as you suggest and they dont even recognize my username or email address.

  • @thesacredpath
    1. Am not sure what you mean. Until yesterday my site was definitely showing up right here on wordpress.COM

    2. its does not show the ‘not found’ error – it just keeps trying to load the site

    3. under ‘all posts’ i can see 141 ‘published’ posts

    4. If I type in “” this works and that page does load. It is only the main page that does not work i.e. “”


  • @annaweltman, your site is hosted at GODADDY, not at wordpress.COM. That means it is a self-hosted wordpress installation and you need to be over at http://wordpress.ORG/support/ as that is where self-hosted wordpress installations are supported. We cannot help you here because we never see those sorts of errors and have no idea how to fix them.

    See here where it tells you that your site is hosted at GODADDY:

  • A wordpress.COM username will not work at wordpress.ORG because they are not connected. They are separate. You have to sign up for a new username and password over there.

  • @annaweltman: Your username and password don’t work on a forum. You need to create a new username and password. This is normal and does not change thesacredpath nor the supportbot‘s answer.

    And if you still don’t believe us when we say you’re in the wrong forum: the error message you are quoting does not even exist here at

  • @wovensouls, your site loads just fine for me except I cannot see any of your posts.

    Log out, clear your browser cache and cookies, restart your browser and then take another look to see if your site will load.

    I’ll tag this thread for staff attention and hopefully they can look into the post issue and the “not found” but the site is loading for me, just with no content.

  • @sacredpath

    i now remember that i tinkered with the ‘pages’ 2 days ago. and am not sure how some of those things work

    earlier i did not have a title for the page that loaded for – this worked fine.

    then 2 days ago i added a title to ‘Introduction’ and the trouble seems to have started after that

    since this caused trouble, i ‘trashed’ the original titleless page (which now had the new title ) which has been around since 2010 and copied the contents onto a new page and published a new page.

    the still didn’t load.

    finally this morning i ‘restored’ the trashed page. it still does not load

    i have tried retracing those steps…but i am still unable to recitfy my error

    since my method is all blind trial and error – maybe the tech people could tell me the settings needed to make it work again?

    sorry for the confusion!

  • also, when i say ‘not found’ – i meant that it just keeps ‘loading’

    there is no error message that says ‘not found’

    when i load the individual posts i can see them exactly as they are meant to be




  • If you set a ‘static front page’ at settings > reading, and then put no content into that page, it would produce this type of issue. Go to settings > reading and check. Then edit the page you set as your static front page and put some content into it.

    If you want all your posts to show on a different page, then you have to create a page for that purpose, publish it and then set it as your “posts” page at settings > reading.

    Set the Homepage

  • go daddy fixed the issue with wordpress, by the way. and i got an education on and
    thanks all! happy new year!

  • Glad that you are back up and running, you are welcome and happy new year to you too.

  • i played with the reading settings and it seems to have worked. hope it stays that way!!

    thanks for the help sacredpath!

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