Cannot find Classic Editor

  • I use the Classic Editor. I do not want to use the Block Editor. I have built many templates for my blog and I need the Classic Editor to use them.

    Now apparently the Classic Editor is not available. I was previously told it would always be available.

    How do I find the Classic Editor? Specific instructions please.

    Thanks for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there:

    It sounds like your account has been switched to the unified navigation which is being rolled out on You can read about this here:

    If your account has been switched and you used to access the Classic Editor through WP Admin, you’ll need to turn on the Advanced Navigation in your Account Settings>Dashboard Appearance to access the Classic Editor.

    The Classic Editor is currently available, but in the long run, you’ll want to give the full Block Editor or the Classic Block a workout as the WordPress core development team do plan to phase this editor out in the future. The more you use it, the easier it will become. also published a guide specifically for writers and bloggers that you can find here

    I hope that helps!

  • Thanks for your reply.

    First, I did find my way back to my Classic Editor.

    Second, I have absolutely no intention of using a block editor that does not allow me to use my .html templates (over 1,000 of them) that I have built for my blog, or my image library.

    If I am going to lose the Classic Editor at any point, the at that point WordPress will lose me, I will go elsewhere, maybe to Blogger which has been nagging me to come on board.

    That Gutenberg thing is a disaster. No one likes it. For me, it is too simplistic, not allowing me to use my templates, images or Tags.

    I would be willing to look at the “full Block Editor” or “Classic Block” if you tell me how to find them.

    Thanks for your help.

  • You can still add custom HTML on the Block Editor:

    There are many ways in which you can add your images, too: as a single image, a gallery, a tiled gallery, a cover. Blocks give you way more possibilities. Have a look at all the available blocks:

    As for the tags, nothing really changed there; you can add them to your posts as explained here:

    If you have any other particular questions, let us know, we’ll be happy to clarify further.

  • I tried using the Block Editor with one of my templates, I can show you a screen shot of the totally useless result. I cannot find a place to display the screen shot.

    Can you provide some sort of box for a display? Or some other way for me to give you the result?

    I saw thatthe Classic Editor is guaranteed to 2022 or longer if necessary. Judging from some of the remarks I have seen in the form, it will definitely need to be forever. Most people hate the Block Editors.

    If I lose my Classic Editor, I will go elsewhere and away from WordPress.

  • Please use to share the screenshot here.

  • Snipboard requires a fee, which I will not do.

    I want to share the screenshot here. Can you make that possible?


  • It is high time for WP admins to recognise: this new editor failed. We encounter the bugs agayin ad again…

  • It’s not possible to upload images directly to the forums, but you can upload them to your site and then add the “media file URL” here in your post so we can visit the images that way.

    You can see a video of how to do this here:

    Once you have the image URL just paste it into your reply and we will be able to see your screenshot, thanks!

  • Test for wordpress- image of my template in the block editor-

    This is the link to a test of one of my templates. You will see all of the links which in the Classic Editor are properly imaged and here are only links.


  • I am currently fighting this battle to save forever the Classic Editor. Thanks for commenting, I wish there more active as are you.

    Stay Safe,

  • @richardmitnick,

    Welcome! Thanks for maintaining the battle line with us. : )

  • @richardmitnick that is not a screenshot but a link to a blog post on your site. I see that post of course, but is there also a screenshot you mentioned wanting to share?

    Also I am not sure what you mean by “one of my templates” in this case, so I am hoping you can clarify. Are you copying and pasting your “template” content from another source? Does your source happen to be in HTML?
    If yes, what if instead you:

    – create a new post (or page)
    – add the Classic Block to the document in the editor
    – switch the Classic Block from ‘visual’ to ‘html’
    – paste in your code.

    Does this allow you to successfully add your code? feel free to save it as a draft and let us know which one it is and we can take a closer look.

  • This is exactly the point. This is the screen shot I wanted to share.

    That is a screenshot of what I get when I insert my .html template into my blog post with the “BLock Editor”. Totally useless.

    I have built over 1,000 of these templates for universities and scientific institutions all over the world. They are the basis upon which my blog is built. Having a template complete with images means I do not have to do the same work over each time I do an article for the institution.

    So, yes, I am copying and pasting the template from my library of templates built in MS-Word, and, yes, they are in .html.

    Sorry, you have me lost here:

    “– create a new post (or page)
    – add the Classic Block to the document in the editor
    – switch the Classic Block from ‘visual’ to ‘html’
    – paste in your code.”

    Perhaps it would be helpful if you actually visited my blog at and took a look at one or more posts. That will hopefully give you better understanding what I am doing. I pick up complete articles with all of the attributions for text and images and paste them into the proper template for that institution. Then I post to the blog. Somehow with subjects as arcane as Physics, Astronomy, Earthquake Science, Volcanology and the like I have managed to garner over 1,000 readers all over the world [each day in my stats I get a world view map to tell me where my blog is beng read].

    I must say, with all of the negative comments I see about the “Block Editor”, WordPress would do well to get rid of it and just allow us to use the “Classic Editor” which we are now using. If WordPress stays with the “Block Editor”, WordPress will lose a lot of users.

  • Here is a comment I got:

    “musicdoc1 wrote:


    Welcome! Thanks for maintaining the battle line with us. : )”

  • Yes, the battle to save the Classic Editor, and you’re on the front line doing a wonderful job. It’s much appreciated by some of us. Keep up the good fight! : )

  • I just wish more people would come forward. All the comments I have seen in the forum are totally negative as regards the “Block Editor”.

    I gave evidence as to my results trying to use the “Block Editor” for my blog by doing a “Test” post and providing an image of the result. It was a disaster,

    I recommended that the person trying to deal with my complaint actually take a look at some posts in my blog. I hope the person will do that.

    My blog, covers Basic and Applied Science world wide. I am heavy in Astronomy, Physics, Volcanology and Earthquake Science. I have managed with these sorts of subjects to garner 450 people taking the blog direct, 150 people by Twitter, and 500 people on my Facebook Fan page. Pretty good for science of any sort.

    If I lose the “Classic Editor” I will leave WordPress and go elsewhere.

    I can only hope that WordPress wakes up to the general disgust people have with the “Block Editor”.

  • my 2¢/

    All the comments I have seen in the forum are totally negative as regards the “Block Editor”.

    Hi Richard, people who are happy with their site and don’t have any issues posting on it don’t usually show up in the support forums.

    In my experience, most people come to the forums to solve a specific problem they have with their site or to complain, as you said. This is especially true after a large change to the platform and there have been several over the near 12 years you’ve been here. So, if you are only including forum remarks in your observations, the results will be skewed negatively.
    /my 2¢

    Having said that, I understand that any change to the platform that affects the way you post to your site is a major hindrance and annoyance. Staff suggested a way you can post by using the Classic Block. Did you try that out?

  • justjennifer-

    Thanks for your comments.

    What happened was somehow briefly I cold not get to the “Classic Editor” to use for my posts. It seemed as if it had been done away with. I did find my way back to it so there was not a current problem.

    From what I read, WordPress wants everyone to use the “Block Editor” which everyone hates.

    So I came to the forum to express my concerns. I even provided an image of what happens when I try to use the “Block Editor”.

    My blog covers Basic and Applied Science world wide. For each institution I cover, I build an .html template. I build the template with text and images in my WordPress “Classic Editor” and then copy it into MS-Word which is a good .html editor. These templates include many images and .html links. The templates allow me to not need to do the same work over and over. Once the template is saved I can use it whenever I do a post for the institution.

    I am not a scientist and do nt pretend to be a scientist. I am a “science communicator”. I get all of my science articles via email and RSS feed. I copy the whole article complete with all attributions and paste it into the template. If I have to add graohics I do that from my on WordPress media library or from Google images. I add in the Tags and then I finish and post to the blog.

    I have built around 1,000 templates. They are the basis of my work. But, they do not work in the “Block Editor.

    Below is the result of my trying to use the “Block Editor”. You will see .html links, but not the text for them. You will see that there are links to images, but no images.

    If you want to see this in WordPress, the link is

    Test for wordpress- image of my template in the block editor-

    Test for wordpress- image of my template in the block editor-

    Aarhus Universitet (DK)

    See the full article here.



    Please help promote STEM in your local schools.


    Stem Education Coalition
    ”” Aarhus Universitet DK campus.

    Aarhus Universitet (DK), abbreviated AU) is the largest and second oldest research university in Denmark. The university belongs to the Coimbra Group, the Guild, and Utrecht Network of European universities and is a member of the European University Association.

    The university was founded in Aarhus, Denmark, in 1928 and comprises five faculties in Arts, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Health, and Business and Social Sciences and has a total of twenty-seven departments. It is home to over thirty internationally recognised research centres, including fifteen Centres of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The university is ranked among the top 100 world’s best universities. The business school within Aarhus University, called Aarhus BSS, holds the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) Equis accreditation, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA). This makes the business school of Aarhus University one of the few in the world to hold the so-called Triple Crown accreditation. Times Higher Education ranks Aarhus University in the top 10 of the most beautiful universities in Europe (2018).

    The university’s alumni include Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of programming language C++, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former Prime Minister of Denmark and a Secretary General of NATO.

    Nobel Laureate Jens Christian Skou (Chemistry, 1997), conducted his groundbreaking work on the Na/K-ATPase in Aarhus and remained employed at the university until his retirement. Two other nobel laureates: Trygve Haavelmo (Economics, 1989) and Dale T. Mortensen (Economics, 2010). were affiliated with the

    So, justjennifer, you can see that this is just a mess. If want to see my real work, the blog is at Take a look at just a couple of posts and you will see what they look look like in the “Classic Editor”.

    I did visit every link that was suggested to me and found nothing usable.

    Thanks for your time, I need to get back to work on the blog.

  • Hi again, I did take a look at your site, your test post on your site where HTML appears and what you wrote above. Looking at the code you’ve given, there are lots of “curly” quotes, as though you used them for a placeholder for actual links/dimensions and such, but didn’t remove them before publishing.

    I have built around 1,000 templates. They are the basis of my work. But, they do not work in the “Block Editor.

    Have you tried what @staff-totoro suggested in his reply?

    Another suggestion is to paste your template HTML into the Block Editor’s Code Editor

    If you want to edit an entire page or post’s HTML, click the ellipsis near your Publish button to switch to the Code editor. Not all code will work when editing as HTML. If your code is well-formed and without error, check to make sure it’s on the approved HTML tags list, and that it’s not a restricted code, like JavaScript.

    When you exit the Code Editor, the content will be automatically placed in a Classic Block.

    Here’s the result of my tests: (temporary screenshots)

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