• I give up trying to migrate the domain, and looks like the support is not what I need.

    Now, whern I go to the purchases screen and click on my domain, it doesn’t appear the CANCEL DOMAIN Link…. so I cannot cancel the upgrades and cannot cancel the website.

    All I want is to cancel all together and get a refund please

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    It’s possible to cancel purchases via

    Out of curiosity, are you looking to use the domain, with another provider?

    If yes, I’d recommend keeping the domain.

    I hope this helps.

  • byaservicios · Member ·

    I got the domain from the TELECOM company here. I wonder I loose it if I cancel from WordPress?

  • byaservicios · Member ·

    That is too bad I cannot attach the window….the domain appears as ACTIVE UPGRADE — my domain with a title of DOMAIN TRANSFER, when I open link I go to the page it shows my domain as DOMAIN TRANSFER $32 plan, but It doesn’t give me any buttons to cancel or upgrade

  • byaservicios · Member ·

    If I close my account, will I loose my domain? I assume I wouldn’t

  • Hi @byaservicios , it’s important to resolve the in-progress transfer and get the domain set up as you’d like it before you close the account. We don’t want the domain in limbo.

    Can you look for the email from your current provider that says your transfer was initiated? You may have an option to cancel the transfer. If you can, please do that and update us here.

    If it’s too late and it transfers here, please do not delete the domain or close the account. You’ll want to keep it active for use elsewhere, then transfer again when you can.

  • byaservicios · Member ·


    I manage the domaijn, and I cannot see any requests to transfer the domain.

  • Hi there!

    Please contact your current domain registrar for help with ‘declining’ the transfer from their end. At this point, the domain transfer can’t be stopped from our end. Only the current registrar can stop the transfer.

    If you don’t see the option to cancel or stop the transfer on the domain registrar’s dashboard, please contact their support team as soon as possible to have them stop the transfer. Once they’ve done that, the transfer will fail, and we can issue a refund.

    On a separate note, would you like to tell us what led you to cancel the transfer? Do you still need a site? If you’re open to giving another try, we’d love to learn more about the site you need. What’s the site for, and what features would you like to have on the site?

    Once we know more about your site goals, we can help you with specific suggestions so you can build it on If you would rather have us build the site for you, you can try out our Built By Express service.

  • byaservicios · Member ·

    I’m staying with WP… But I don’t want to pay for a plan… Not WP, nor Elementos. This is a simple website and will not change much.

    My other websites are like that, the free WP works for me.

    Can I use this domain, being transferred, in the WP free?


  • byaservicios · Member ·

    Too late…. looks like the website has been transfered….

    How can I use the Free WP with my domain,

  • Hey there,

    It’s possible to transfer the domain into as per these steps here:

    It’s not possible to set a custom primary domain without a paid plan. At a minimum it the personal plan would be required.

    Based on your requirements, it sounds like this could be the right plan that you need.

    Would you be willing to tell me more about the site you’re looking to have? I can probably help with providing further insights. :)

    I hope this helps!

  • byaservicios · Member ·

    Thank you mate. Unfortunately, the client doesn’t want to pay more than the domain. The personal plan could work for me but not to the client. I already lost the money for transfering the domain, thinking that I could just add a Starter Template (which adds ELEMENTOR basic) and away would go, but it is not the case.

    What can I do to get a refund (as I will not be using the domain as is)? Can I get the domain back, or is too late?

  • byaservicios · Member ·

    The website is very simple (this is why the client does not want to pay an extra cent). Main page, About, Products, Machines and a Contact form, pictures all over (no checkout, no lists, no blog nothing) . Straight forward.

    The client had the website in SquareSpace and she did not want to be paying the $35 monthly fee.

  • Hello there,

    Hmm, that’s really unfortunate. A domain is a separate costing to hosting, not just with, but pretty much across the board.

    A purchase can be refunded and cancelled here: – but if you intend to use the domain, I wouldn’t cancel this, but instead use custom DNS settings to point the domain to somewhere else, and transfer the domain after the 60 day transfer lock.

    The site is very simple, and you would only need the personal plan for sure. Outside of, one way or another you would need some kind of hosting, this is secure and kept up to date…

    Essentially that’s one of the upsides of using a managed hosting solution like the personal plan.

    I understand your position, but also at the same time, it’s food for thought, and I’m hoping it’s useful. :)

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