Canard theme: Is there any reason to use sub pages?

  • Hi,

    so I´m still in the process of setting up the website and I looked into the topic of sub pages (i hope that´s what they´re called in English), and I don´t see any reason to use them in this theme. They´re not even displayed, at least I have no idea how.

    As I understand, if I made a sub page, there’d be a link to this sub page on a primary page (those are present in the website menu, i.e. “games”, “anime” in my case). But I created a sub page, made one of the primary pages its parent and … no link to the sub page appears when I click on the primary page.

    Am I right that this theme doesn´t support sub pages? Or am I doing something wrong?

    thx a lot!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To add: I created the sub page “summer anime 2017”

    But there´s no link to it found on the primary page “willkommen”, so readers wouldn´t ever find the summer season 2017-page. Is there a way to display it? Otherwise sub pages seem useless :>

  • Hi there! Sub-pages are a way to organize your page and URL structure – they don’t get inserted into your page content automatically. I’d suggest adding a link to your sub-page from your custom menu, either as a top-level item or as a sub-menu item.

    Just let us know if you need further content.

  • Hi,

    thx! That drop-down menu is exactly what I´d need. Unfortunately, something seems to be not working. I went to the menu customization and moved 2 menu items slightly to the right beneath another menu item, so it should create a drag-down menu. (Under “anime”, the “summer season 2017” should show up, and under “Willkommen”, “Kontakt” should appear).

    Any idea what could be missing?

  • Ah, ok, I experimented a bit. It appears that the drag-down menu is only possible at the primary menu position. I wanted the menu at the secondary menu position. Hm. Gotta rethink the whole menu layout then …

  • Looks like you’ve got the drop-down working in the primary menu. Looks good!

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