Canape theme – How to delete "Like" buttons in my Food Menu Items

  • Hi,
    I’d like to delete “like” buttons next to all my dishes on Food Menu:

    I unchecked it in this Menu Item Edit section – on “Likes and Shares” section, but this “like” buttons are still there :(

    Please help.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have also problem with 3 images on front page – it is connected with FOOD Menu section. I’d like to change it to connect it with my site pages, but I cannot do it.

  • Hi there, I’ll answer you questions separately.

    I’d like to delete “like” buttons next to all my dishes on Food Menu:

    I unchecked it in this Menu Item Edit section – on “Likes and Shares” section, but this “like” buttons are still there :(

    In your Sharing settings, you currently have Likes turned on for all posts. Because that setting is active, the per-post/per-food item options have no effect, as Likes are always displayed.

    If you’d like to keep Likes open on some content but not others, you’ll need to go to Sharing > Sharing Buttons, and uncheck this box:

    Global Umpire WordPress com

    Once you do that, the per-item settings to open or close Likes on a particular post or food item should take effect.

  • I have also problem with 3 images on front page – it is connected with FOOD Menu section. I’d like to change it to connect it with my site pages, but I cannot do it.

    The theme is designed to pull in menu sections through this Customizer setting – it’s not possible to pull in pages there instead.

  • 1. Thank’s. I’ve solve it in different way. It was not at COMMENT LIKES as You’ve posted but at REBLOG & LIKE. I unchecked “Show likes” checkbox and it works.

    2. Thank You for information. It means that I have to change my theme – it was very important for me to use it as separate menu.

    Thank’s again.

  • Ah you’re right – I took a screenshot of the wrong thing! Glad you found the right one.

    2. Thank You for information. It means that I have to change my theme – it was very important for me to use it as separate menu.

    Have you considered linking to some pages from within your front-page content? You could certainly add three images side-by-side there, and link them to your desired pages.

    This could be easier than switching themes – let me know how it goes.

  • Hi,

    Yes, but I like that rollover effect on images so just simple images are not what I want to get.
    Are there any other free theme on wordpress that include using FOOD menu?



  • Confit is the other free theme on with food menu items:

    I like what you’ve done with Pique so far!

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