Can you customize a wordpress premium theme further?

  • Can you edit the css of a premium theme or is it all set in stone from the moment it has been bought and paid for?

    Please let me know before I commit to buying the following theme:



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • cool, looks like you can change the fonts and colours in the css.

    O.K thats brill’.

    Unless I am mistaken then please let me know.

  • On the dashboard where are the original stylesheets or style located? So that you can copy and edit the styles you want???

  • I fear you are going to say this is not possible as most themes the customization of colours is really poor. If the original style sheet can be edited directly inside the dashboard then this would be awesome. But starting a new style sheet from a fresh is a major pain in the a**. With no clues or starting points it’s a little hard to get your bearings if you know what I mean?

    i.e can I view the original html markup inside the dashboard or the original style sheet?

  • ok, I think I have found it. It’s hidden in there but it’s a huge document !!!

    My word ….

  • It’s good to know you located the Crisp stylesheet.

  • hahaha, thanks.

    *gulp* – time to get cracking, the changes I want to make are really simple but still the default set they give are not to my taste.

    Thanks for getting back to me anyways.

  • You’re welcome. I tagged this thread so it gets moved to the CSS Forum for you.

  • Can you edit the css of a premium theme or is it all set in stone from the moment it has been bought and paid for?

    The Custom Design upgrade at has two modes: Add-on (recommended) and Replace (advanced). If you choose the add-on mode, then you start with the current theme design and add CSS rules to modify some of the things. If you choose the replace mode, then the theme stylesheet won’t get loaded and you can write your CSS completely from scratch with full control. There are pros and cons for each option. Note that if you choose the replace mode, you should not copy and paste the entire stylesheet into the CSS editor because the url() values won’t work. The replace mode is for writing your own CSS from scratch. It gives a ton of control with CSS if that’s what you’re looking for!

  • On the dashboard where are the original stylesheets or style located? So that you can copy and edit the styles you want???

    They are located in the Edit link next to “Mode: Add-on” on the right side of the Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page. However, note that you can also use browser tools to look at CSS and it often makes it even easier to work with the styles to find what you’re looking for. Most modern web browsers have a web inspector. To try it out, right-click on an element on a page and look for an option called “Inspect Element.” When you click that, it will show you the HTML for what you clicked on as well as all of the CSS that applies to that HTML, including the rules that have been overridden and what order they were applied. It’s the best way to find specific CSS rules. The original stylesheet is also handy sometimes, but I find that a web inspector is indispensable. In addition to the link inside the CSS page, note that most (almost all) websites also have their stylesheets linked in the “head” section of the HTML if you view the page source.

    We’re trying to encourage using browser tools and viewing page source instead of looking at the theme’s stylesheet in the dashboard because often beginners will copy and paste the entire stylesheet from there and that tends to cause more problems for them. If you copy original styles from the original theme CSS, you need to know what you’re doing to make everything work. You should not copy and paste the entire stylesheet into the CSS editor.

  • Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for answers and help so far.

    I am going to put a pin into this for now. Need to get some other features sorted before my spash page. So I will update this thread around the time.

    OBTW: @designsimply, I use Chrome for all my snooping around ;)

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