Can we have 2 posts pages?

  • Hi,
    I would like to have a page called Blog for my articles, but I would also have a page called “recettes” (recipes in frech) to post recipes related articles only. I don’t want my post about recipes to be mixed up with my “blog” articles.
    Is there a way to do that with the Dara theme?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi ,
    You can do that comfortably, you can keep your Tab “Recettes” as Category pages, here is more detailed information to help you with it,
    Category Pages

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any further information..! Happy to help.. ! :)

  • Hi,
    this helped plenty! Thanks much.

    On another hand, is it possible to set a featured image for this category page?


  • HI Again,
    Hooray, it helped :)
    So for this theme, the Header image is common for all pages,

    But there is one way you can show the Featured Images of the Posts, you can go to Customize–>Content Options
    Enable the Featured Images options, and set the featured images using this information

    Also If you could elaborate it better for us to understand it , we could help you further. Let us know, how it goes.


  • Hi @jardinsdemma

    is it possible to set a featured image for this category page

    Category pages are really just links that display all posts within a certain category. Since they aren’t pages created from My Site > Pages > Add, they aren’t “true” pages. Therefore, a featured image cannot be assigned to them.

    As @pavanraheja mentioned, the header image will be shown at the top of your category pages instead.

  • @dcoleonline : thanks for making it more easy to understand for @jardinsdemma , thus recommended the other options :)
    Also let us know if you have further queries ..!

  • Thanks to both of you for the info.

    I understand as well that even though my categorized articles goes to that category’s “page”, they still are on my blog page.

    This is why I was asking at the first place if we can have more than one posts page. Is it possible with a paying version perhaps?

    thanks in advance! :)

  • Hi @jardinsdemma,

    This is why I was asking at the first place if we can have more than one posts page. Is it possible with a paying version perhaps?

    The only way to have your blog page show all posts except the Recettes ones is to use Custom CSS to hide the Recettes posts from your blog page.

    You’ll need to upgrade to Premium or Business to do this.

    If you decide to upgrade, you can use this CSS code:

    /*Hide Recettes Posts From Blog Page*/
    .blog .tag-recettes {
        display: none;

    The one downside to this is that you will not be able to have much control over how many posts appear on your blog page at a time. The default setting is to show your 10 most recent posts on the blog page. However, if 7 of those are Recettes posts, then only 3 posts will show on the blog page initially.

    This happens because CSS only hides what the blog page shows, but it cannot tell the blog page to show more non-Recettes posts on the blog page. You can go in and change the default setting of 10 to a larger number if you like, but keep in mind that due to hiding Recettes posts, the actual number visible to viewers will vary.

    You can change the setting for how many posts show on the blog page in the Dashboard under Settings > Reading. Look for the Blog pages show at most setting and adjust the number from there.

  • Hi @jardinsdemma
    So as @dcoleonline suggested that you would have to use the Custom CSS , he has described everything eloquently to know it best.

    One alternative comes into my mind is have a look at

    I made a New Menu with Blog and Recettes, and assigned Blog to Blog Category and Recettes to recettes category , so the blogs with Recettes category only display in recettes category and all the blogs which are categorized as Blog.

    So here its just a trick using the Category feature and using name in Menu as Blog , yes the disadvantage is at the top of the Page it shows Category:Blog
    This can be removed using Custom CSS which @dcoleonline can give you a solution.

    Its just a small addition to give you a alternative :) if needed.

  • Definitely a great option there, @pavanraheja!

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