Can the Topics Reader not be so Specific?

  • Earlier this summer I wanted to follow the topic, Tree Swallows. In my categories, I tend to use the plural. What I discovered was not all posts showed up under “Tree Swallows”. I found additional posts tagged as “Tree Swallow”. It isn’t a big deal to follow both, as I was interested in seeing all the posts about this bird.

    But blog writers need to be careful about limiting my tags to be visible on the Reader. Just the other day, I was helping someone here who had too many tags, such as photo, photos, photography, etc, possibly just to reach the greatest number of people.

    Is there any way to type in the partial name of a Topic and see all topics, similar to how you can blacklist comments? The example given is: It will match inside words, so “press” will match “WordPress”.

    I do not know if this will work, but if it did, it could allow a larger number of people to view our blogs even though we are using fewer tags.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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