Can the number of posts being displayed on front page be limited?

  • Hello, my blog is, and I have the front page set to “Your latest posts,” and I have limited the “Blog pages show at most” option to three items. There are three posts that I have made “sticky” posts, and these are the posts with the orange images.

    I was under the impression that by making three posts sticky and then by limiting the number of posts displayed on the blog pages that I could in effect keep the three posts that I wanted on the front page, but there are now five posts being displayed! The other two posts have no been made sticky. At this point all I can think of is to change the publish date on every post, but I really do not want to do that.

    Is there a way I can force the front page to only show three posts without going to a static page? I don’t want to use the static page because I like the way the front page looks and works, for the most part.

    Thank you for your help, and let me know if there is any more information that is needed that I haven’t included.

    I should include a disclaimer that I am fairly new to WordPress. If this should be on another forum, just let me know and I will repost, but this one made the most sense to me. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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