Can the name of links be changed in CSS?

  • I am using the theme P2. After being told by rollercoaster or whatever the name was that no one here would help me with anything more complicated than tying my shoes, I decided to go line by line through the P2 theme’s stylesheet, testing out each line of code to see what it did, and then labeling it accordingly. I had a day free so I got up early and have been doing it for the last eleven hours, with probably four more to go (may not be able to finish going through it all tonight). I’ve figured most things I need to do out, but thing I haven’t been able to figure out.

    Here is my blog URL. I will input all the codes when I decide on a color scheme and finish going through the P2 theme stylesheet, but one thing I don’t think is in the stylesheet is an obvious way to change the links.

    If you look at my page, where it says “toggle comment threads, “keyboard shortcuts, “reply,” I would like to change the names of those links so they look unique to my page. “Reply” I would like to write “Add comment” there instead. Might also want to move the links around. This is all just appearance, the links would all obviously link to the same thing and perform the exact same function, I just want to change the appearance, the words, maybe where the words appear.

    Can someone please explain to me how to do this? Thank you! Also anyone looking for help on P2 theme, check back here in the next few days as I might be able to help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You cannot change the names. CSS is a styling document used by the browser to display the page. It is not about functionality. All of that stuff such as the labels used for links in the theme and such are set in the PHP script files. We cannot edit those. With the labels for the theme links, you have to live with what is there.

  • Thanks again for your help sacredpath. You’re the best!

    That’s too bad about the link names, but I can live with it. At least once you click the post title and go to its dedicated page, there is a big plain to see comment box. So that takes care of a lot of the problem. Thanks again!!

  • Again, I suggest learning CSS basics. I don’t know anything about CSS but I know enough to know this isn’t a CSS issue.

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