Can Someone Re-Write my Blog?

  • I’ve heard from alot of people my writing is confusing. And not many of my friends can understand my blogs mission.
    I was wondering if someone could read over my blog and re-write it so that it’s easier for my visitors to understand.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It isn’t really too confusing but you could use a little help with your writing. For instance – Join The Anime Leauge Today! is misspelled – it should be League. Just doing a spell check would have solved that issue. One problem of course is that you’re writing on a niche topic in English which is Japanese based so that may confuse some people unfamiliar with it. If you are really looking for someone to do a re-write you should be willing to pay for that.

  • This is a technical support forum so I am not sure how much editing help you will get.

    A few thing that have worked for me.

    Copy a Post into a word processing program and run spell check – some programs also do grammar – make font size easy to read and double space – just read what you have written several times – read your Post out loud – hearing the words seems to help.

    When you paste the corrected text in use the Paste Plain Text so you don’t have formatting surprises.

    If you are in school or college see if they have a short writing or journalism class you can take. If you are in school sometimes an instructor or lab assistant will help a stranger that wanders into their office. Some colleges have evening or extension classes that are not too expensive and maybe there is a class in composition.

    Any of your friends had a journalism class or are literature majors? Some engineering schools also require tech report writing. Buy a lunch for a friend that has writing experience. (warn them you want help with a short story)

    You are writing about .a subject you like – that helps a lot.

    Good luck.

  • Sure I can. Thousands of people can. What do you pay?

  • Ah, I see. I didn’t realize it would take money for someone to do that. Thanks for the other tips though.

  • you be welcome & good luck

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