Can someone look at my site and help me?

  • I have been keeping a travel blog since 2018 but only see most recent entries. Can someone help me fix it? I would like a menu with an entry for each trip/country and then the blogs in chronological order. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I have been keeping a travel blog since 2018 but only see most recent entries. Can someone help me fix it?

    If you would like your homepage to show an infinite number of posts (more posts load as you scroll, similar to social media sites) you an enable the infinite scroll option found on this page:

    I would like a menu with an entry for each trip/country and then the blogs in chronological order. Thanks!

    I noticed that you are not using categories on your posts, and this is what we recommend using if you want to group your content under a single topic, like the country or city that you are in. To do this you can edit your posts to add categories to them, you will see the option in the post editor if you look in the sidebar on the right.

    We cover this in more detail here:

    Posts » Organize Posts with Categories
    6 min read
    Categories provide a helpful way to group related blog posts together. You might want to create categories for different topics you cover in your blog. For example, if you have articles that cover a specific genre of music, you might want to keep those grouped together in a category. Categories not only help keep posts organized, but you can also use categories to display posts in several place

    Once you add categories to your posts, WordPress will automatically organize these into category pages, that will show a filtered list of only the posts related to that topic. You can then add these category pages to your menu so visitors can access them directly.

    Menus » Add Categories to a Menu
    3 min read
    As a blogger, it’s common to include categories in your menu so that readers can view posts for a specific topic on your blog. This guide will show you how. 📌 To determine which section of this guide to follow, visit your dashboard and check under Appearance on the left side. If you see Editor, use the Site Editor section of this guide. Otherwise, use the WP Admin or Customizer instr

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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