Can see blog posts in ‘Edit Site’ mode, but can’t see them on actual website.

  • While I was editing my website, I wanted to delete the picture I had on the homepage as it was too big and I couldn’t see an option for re-sizing the image, so I instead went to delete it.

    As I was doing so, a dialogue box opened, something about if I delete this ‘Block’ it will be difficult for me to recover it again. So I clicked OK and realised I’d delete both the picture and the links for the blog posts.

    I’ve gone into ‘Edit Site’ and added a template and even added another link to my blog posts but when I go to my site, the blog posts still aren’t available.

    I’m thinking the only option is to save all my blog posts to my computer, start again and re-add them.

    Any ideas?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, rest assured that your blog posts are still there, you just need to recreate the blog or home page they were displayed on. The theme you’re using on your above site is Quadrat White.

    It might be possible to reset the template that you edited. You can learn more about resetting templates in this guide.

    Give that a try and let us know how it goes.

  • thank you 🙂

    Managed to sort it via a different method but used your advice 👍

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