Can I upgrade the plan without pay.

  • Hello, I’m Asif Ali from Pakistan, and currently, I’m learning about WordPress I don’t budget to upgrade my plan letter after I’ll upgrade when I’ll learn about WordPress.

    Thank in advance Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there @asifale0, we don’t have free upgrades, but we absolutely do have free sites here that you can keep free indefinitely.

    If you’re looking to publish content and host it for free, our free sites are good option.

    If you’re looking to learn WordPress inside and out, you may want to set up your own webserver on your computer and install a copy there. It’s a much steeper technical learning curve, and your localhost site won’t be on the web, but it’s a great way to learn. You can even do that and run a separate site here simultaneously.

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