Can I synchronise blogs from multiple sites?

  • Essentially I am in the process of creating a weight loss bootcamp company. The goal is to have local oriented bootcamps in multiple boroughs across the city. Each bootcamp is set to have a basic membership sign up oriented website which contains a sign up page, a staff member intro page, a contact us page and a blog page.

    Out of these 4 pages, we want all except the blog page to be specific to the bootcamp. The blog itself we want to be the same across all bootcamp websites. As such we want a set up where we can produce one blog post and it will automatically upload to all the bootcamp websites simultaneous without us having to either re-write, paste or export the post manually as we will be having upto 50 bootcamps – and this takes time.

    Appreciate any suggestions.

  • Hi there,

    So you want different sites, with pages unique to each site, but for the blog feed to be the same on all of them?

    In theory it would be possible using a service like IFTTT, but I would not advise this – duplicating content across sites like that will completely destroy your SEO for all the sites, as search engines penalise sites that duplicate content from other sites. If you do this on specifically, this might also cause your site to be suspended, as we consider automatically posting the same content on multiple sites to be a type of spam.

    Another option, if you go with a self-hosted WordPress site rather than, is to have one main site where the blog is published, and then merely embed that feed on the other sites using a plugin, rather than duplicating the content. There are various plugins available for the open source WordPress software that would allow you to embed a RSS feed in this way.

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