Can I restore my theme to default?

  • I got a little creative and changed the background hex for my Quintus theme – I would like to restore the default but am unable to discover hwo to do it. I have limited experience with CSS. Suggestions?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ll flag this thread so it gets moved to the CSS Forum where you can get help with this issue.

  • Thank you – I was hoping that there was a button I was missing such as Restore to Default.

  • What I do know about CSS is limited. CSS is theme specific. If you have custom CSS and later change themes, you need to delete whatever CSS you have in the Editor, otherwise, you’ll get undesired results. To ‘reset’ a theme, you need to delete the CSS in the Editor, make sure the “add to existing CSS” radio button is checked, then save. Things should go back to normal.

  • Egads – will the other forum help me with that? I just used the Background box under Appearance to make the change.

  • Currently we have a single Volunteer thesacredpath who helps with CSS editing when Staff aren’t available. He’s not logged in right now but “yes” when this thread is moved to the CSS Forum you will get help. You simply have to be patient while waiting. :)

  • Did you change the color with CSS or with the Dashboard >> Appearance >> Background?

    My 2010 Theme has a “clear” button by the hex color box – no idea if the color goes back to the default color or just white – I clicked on it and things went to white but can’t remember the original color – there is color wheel so you can sort of guess at what you want.

  • Thank you – I am not worried about time – the change I made is not horrendous – I was just worried about breaking things should I have to go to CSS alone :-) Thank you so much for your assistance.

    And thank you to the volunteers!

  • Hang in! thesacredpath is on the board now and working his way through threads. :)

  • Auxclass – I used the Dashboard >> Appearance >> Background. The original them had a dark maroon with some texture – I attempted to replicate the color using the wheel, but then I noticed then when I previewed other themes that color would also show up: #441717.

    Now that I understand the differences between themes a little more I see that I may want to upgrade – but I can’t until I remove my forced color.

    Thank you timethief for the status – I can’t imagine how many queries you guys get a day.

  • Go to appearance > background, remove the color value from the background color field (blank it) and then click save changes. That will, or should, return you to the default color.

  • Having that field blank will also let any other theme you switch to have the standard color as well.

  • Hurray! Thank you so much! I was so afraid I would have to look at code. :-) Thank you.

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