Can I put latest posts in main col instd of sidebar after I purchase CSS upgrade

  • Hi,

    I have this blog I would like to purchase the Custom CSS Upgrade to be able to tweak the theme. Once I do that, will I be able to (for instance) drag the widget ‘latest posts’ that I can presently add into the sidebar, to the main column?

    If not, can I get some information as to what all I can do to the theme, before and after I purchase the Custom CSS Upgrade.

    Thanks and Regards,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If not, can I get some information as to what all I can do to the theme, before and after I purchase the Custom CSS Upgrade.

    Go to Appearance > Custom CSS.You try out all the CSS you want in the Custom CSS Editor and Preview it. It will not save anything, but you can see if what you are trying to do is possible.

  • Thanks husdal. But that still leaves my question unanswered. Will I be able to put my latest posts into the main column (at the top) by making changes to the css using the Custom CSS Upgrade facility. What other major changes can I do to a theme. Please help…


  • I’m sorry, but there is no official support for CSS on, and although I use it on my own blog, my knowledge about it is minimal. It’s all up to you. If you know CSS there are some pretty amazing things you can do with it in terms of styling your blog.

    However, I doubt that you will be able to move the most recent posts widget. Widgets are meant for the sidebar(s) not for the main column. Well, with some serious coding for positioning the widget it might actually work, but that’s just a wild guess.

    Forgive me for asking, but why would you need the recent posts in the main column?

  • @minals, what you are wanting to do could either be very difficult or impossible, and the only one here with that level of experience would be devblog. This isn’t CSS 101, this is CSS 501.

    One thing you could do, that would not require a Ph.D. in CSS is to use a sticky post, and manually create your own “top posts” section at the top of your blog. Sticky posts will remain at the top of the post area forever unless you “unstick” it.

  • @husdal,

    Thanks for your help. I wanted to display the titles of latest/top posts at the top of the page for some purpose.

    @ thesacredpath

    I think what I am asking for is not possible. Sticky posts is something different from what Im looking for, but anyway thanks a lot for your help, sticky posts was something I did not know about.

  • If you put a “more” tag near the beginning of each post then your home page will effectively become a list of latest posts.

    This gives additional advantages:

    1. Your home page will load faster

    2. Your stats will give you a much better idea of which pages are getting the most traffic

    3. You don’t need the CSS Upgrade to be able to do this

  • bigdave44,

    Thats a gre8 idea, Thanks a lot. That’ll surely suffice.

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