Can I link to email?

  • @ecleticgeek
    I think I found one that will work for you here
    generator –
    blog article –

  • TT,

    Now I’m thinking of linking my obfuscated code to that image. I know that defeats the whole purpose but the image generator you found is pretty cool. Thanks for finding it so quickly. :)

  • Sorry it’s not working. Is the obfuscator not creating the code or did the code it produced not work on your blog?

    The code didn’t work. I tried to put it on my About page and it kept getting stripped out. I’m going to give that visual link thing a shot.

  • To whoever is interested, I just updated my email encoder. It now supports conversion to ASCII Hexadecimal Numbers, so you now have two encoding types to choose from.

    You have the choice to just use the text link or replace it with the image generated with that great tool timethief found.


  • @vivian:
    I owe you an apology. As soon as you said stripped, I realized I left the wrong link. I remember being frustrated because I couldn’t get it to work. Ended up finding another obfuscator with a code that did work.

    Note to Mod: Please deactivate that “email obfuscator” link in one of my earlier comments. Thanks!

    I won’t leave the other link because devblog’s encoder does exactly the same thing and I plan on using it in the future. Make sure to use the “HEX (%70)” option and it will work fine. Sorry again for the confusion.

    Thanks for the update. Your tool will come in handy.

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