Can I host a very large website?

  • Hi,

    I have a directory website with over 2 million CPTs. I am thinking about moving it to The site does not have any media items but the database is huge, almost 11GB. Is hosting that kind of website cause any problems or is it allowed to host a very large website like this?

    P.S. I have read the user guidelines but nowhere it has been stated.

  • Hey there,

    Thank you for reaching out and we can definitely help with this and host the site – albeit, it is quite a large database to move across.

    To make sure everything runs smoothly, are you able to offer some insights to the following questions?

    1. Is the database optimized and are the queries are running well?
    2. We’d recommend importing the database via SSH, which we can help with – are you able to upload the DB to the file system via SFTP?

    To note a business plan would almost certainly be needed:

    Many thanks in advance!

  • The site isn’t complete yet. To answer your questions:

    1. Yes, the queries are running well. But as the site isn’t finished yet, so I haven’t optimized the database yet. Everything runs fine except search which requires few seconds to show the search results. To overcome this I was thinking of using search plugin like Ivory Search with indexed search but as I expected that tends to take up massive database space. I thought of using Jetpack search but that many records need a large budget.
    2. I guess I can import the database, but since I don’t have the site ready yet I do not have the full database. but dumping that much big of a database would require lots of resources.

    To help you with, the site is a directory of list of all registered companies like this website. There are more than 2 miliion “companies” (posts) under the CPT “companies”. Each posts has few ACF fields.

    I have the CSV files with all the information, I am using WP All Import to import all the details. I have imported almost half of the posts and half is still remaining to be done.

    All I am asking is before purchasing any plan is that if such kind of large site is allowed to be hosted in

    Also, I will purchase any plan you guys would recommend.


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