Can I find a lost article that I was writing an hour ago?

  • Adding further content to reformanda500 plus that was published yesterday? Thanks xx

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The last published article on your blog is on October 19.

    Have you tried looking in the drafts section?

  • Hello,

    While you are writing a page/post autosaves every few seconds (autosaves are enabled by default). In the Publish window at the top of the bottom it will state “saved” (

    If not published, you can access the page/post autosaved drafts through the Dashboard – Site Pages – Drafts (for pages) or Dashboard – Blog Posts – Draft (for blog posts).

    If you are editing a page/post the autosave continues to work, but will not overwrite the published content. Changes will be displayed only when you click “Update”. The autosaved versions will be saved under “revisions” of the post. If you were editing the article, you can find the last autosaved version under revisions: open the page/post and click on the Post setting “status” on the right (you can find more details here:

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