Can I create tests using the contact form feature?

  • I was wondering if I could create a 20 question test with the contact form feature if I just code the proper fields such as. I.E, I would put:

    [contact-field label="what is 15+12.1/3?" type="text" required="true"/]
    [contact field label="Who was the 22nd president in the U.S?" type="text" required="1"/]

    I also want to know if you can some how post the results on a page of your site for everyone to see how people do on the test.
    Thank you,
    <a href=''>website</a>

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I doubt very much you can do that, but you should be able to do it using Sharedaddy or Survey monkey and link to it.

    And of course you can post results. Just make a post. If you make it in Poll form, you can allow people to see the results instantly.

  • Thankyou! But, ironicly, I figured out how a few minutes after you posted the reply, before I checked my email. Using the shortcod and the radio field type, I made one on this page of my website, and it seems to be like one of those quizzes.
    But, thanks for helping!
    steve’s website

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