Can I create a “post template”?

  • Is it possible to create a “post template”? In other words, is there a way to save a bit of text and/or formatting that can automatically be applied to every post?

    I read through all the FAQs etc that I could find, but I didn’t see this issue addressed. If anyone could tell me an easy way to achieve this I would be very grateful.

  • Simple answer no.

    The only alternative would be to set up the format you want in a text editor and save to to your desktop to be recalled each time you needed it.

    BTW any formatting may not be able to be inserted into a post. If is is formated in anything other than what is contained in the quicktags it will be stripped out when published.

  • I was also disappointed to discover I could not make a post template. My solution thus far has been to save the template I want without publishing, then use it to copy and paste into the new posts. (Similar to what Marc suggested except storing it on WordPress rather than my desktop.)

  • It’s a security risk I’m afraid with the user inputted PHP code and direct access to theme files.

    But I do wish the themes did have more built in post templates as well. I’ve been creating them for my own versions of the themes for my own WPMu install. I’ve bene meaning to offer them to staff and see if they would want to add them in here.

  • hi all i need help. i am form mongolia. hey i need wordpress themes help

  • Olziinaa,

    If you have a specific question about the themes, you can create a new post with your questions that needed answering and we would be happy to help you out.


  • It’ a shame. I ping a few services, and I have to manually add them each time. Plus I apply a small picture to the posts, indicating what the post is about. has a much better solution.

  • Why don’t you just bookmark or delicious the ping pages? That way it’s only one click.

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