can I authenticate email using dkim txt records for my domain?

  • I would like to authenticate emails sent through my domain. I’m using Google Apps Business, and used their setup wizard to generate a google dkim record. But when I tried to add it to my domain dns record as a txt record, I got an error message saying it was too long and couldn’t be more than 192 characters. The google record is 234 characters.

    I contacted Google support to figure out what I was doing wrong, and they said that:
    A Google-generated DKIM record is about 234 characters. The 196-character limit is enforced by your domain provider, and unfortunately we’re unable to override it or modify the length of DKIM strings. In order to set this DNS record, it would be necessary to contact your domain host.

    So here I am contacting wordpress. Any advice?
    Blog url:

  • While it’s not currently possible to add TXT records longer than 192 characters using our DNS editor, it is something we’re aware of and are looking into.

    With how the limitation is right now it’s not something we can work around so unfortunately we won’t be able to add that DKIM record for you.

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