Can I add an Amazon affiliate link to a product that I mention in a blog post?

  • The amazon affiliate link is a snippet of HTML. When I inserted the HTML into my blog post, it simply appeared as text and did not send the reader to the product listing on Amazon.

    Thanks for your help.

    Blog url:

  • Please make sure that you are entering the proper HTML and that you are either entering it into the HTML editor (you can select between the Visual and HTML editors using the buttons at the top-right of the editor) or that you are using the Link button in the Visual Editor to insert the link.

    Visual Editor

    Also, note that the link you use must be HTML-only and cannot contain any iframes or JavaScript, as outlined in our code restrictions:

    Code also has a built-in method for inserting images for products. If you place the URL of an Amazon product on a line by itself in the Visual Editor, will automatically convert it to an Amazon link complete with image. This also works in blog comments. Any affiliate URLs you have used will be retained.

    Please keep in mind that blogs that are created for the sole purpose of posting or other affiliate links are not permitted on and are subject to suspension. You may feel free to use affiliate links to recommend products about which you are blogging or which you are reviewing on your blog, but excessive linking to affiliate networks is not permitted under our Terms of Service and/or Advertising Policy.


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