Calvin Theme: can I change blog display?

  • My blog section is called I’ve Been Thinking and there’s only one post in there at the moment.
    It appears that when I click on I’ve Been Thinking, I’m going to be getting a truncated version of my post without any pictures showing. I then have to click on that link to see the actual post.
    Is there any way to circumvent this so readers can go straight to the actual post as designed?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @jacquijay, will you only ever have a single blog post, or do you hope the page will show the latest posts with images and all?

    If you’ll only ever have one post, you might want to set it up as a page instead. That would probably be the easiest option.

    If you want to show a list of recent posts with pictures and all of the text, you can achieve that by editing your posts template (Index) in the Full Site Editor.

    It’s more advanced, but we have guides for working through it. You could also switch to a theme that shows the posts that way by default.

    Let us know what option you’d like and whether you need help getting started.

  • Hello, Supernova and thank you for the answer.
    I will be making multiple postings so it is important to me to be able to see the whole post.
    I have just bought the Byrne theme, thinking that it would already show the whole post but it doesn’t.
    I will try to change the template as you suggest but I am nearly eighty now and am not sure I will be able to follow the instructions.
    I may have to come back with more questions after I watch the video.
    Gest wishes

  • OK, I couldn’t find anything in the video that referred to my particular problem.
    By teaching on the internet I discovered that I need to find <?php the_excerpt(); ?> and change excerpt to content. Is that right?

    I have tried to find out where that information may be and have failed to do so. Can you tell me (in easy to understand words :-) ) where that is, please?

  • “searching” on the internet

  • I discovered that I need to find <?php the_excerpt(); ?> and change excerpt to content. Is that right?

    If you hosted your site elsewhere, yes. On, we limit what you can do with a site unless you’re on the Pro plan (which allows you to edit your site theme files).

    Also, purchasing a theme does not automatically give you the ability to choose whether or not your posts page shows an excerpt versus the full post. For example, the free Twenty Seventeen theme gives you the ability to make that choice in the Customizer > Content Options settings:

    Premium themes can be cancelled and refunded within 14 days of purchase, so let us know if you want a refund on the Byrne theme.

    Hope that helps!

  • Hi,, csonnek, and thank you for the reply.
    I have had a look at Twenty Seventeen but much prefer the ‘look’ of Byrne.
    Does this mean I will not be able to show full content ever?

  • I have had a look at Twenty Seventeen but much prefer the ‘look’ of Byrne.
    Does this mean I will not be able to show full content ever?

    Without upgrading your account to the Pro plan, no. This upgrade would give you access to modify the theme files to change <!-- wp:post-excerpt /--> in the index.html file to <!-- wp:post-content /-->.

    I hope that clarifies things!

  • OK, I understand now.
    Thank you for all your help.

  • I returned the Byrne theme and am now using Mayland which I am very happy with. Hurray!
    On final question – is there a way to get my tagline to show up on this theme?

  • No. unfortunately, that theme doesn’t display a tagline below the title.

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