Calendar page not showing on phones

  • Hi ;-)

    In the Obsidian Theme my ‘Calendar’ page is not fully shown on phones and I need help to add CSS code to correct it.

    Can you please provide me that?

    Best /stine

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Stine, looking at your calendar, even if we can get it to shrink to the point that everything is visible on a phone, it is going to end up breaking words in the middle of them so that the cells can shrink in width to the point that all can be shown. It just isn’t physically possible, and even if it was, the text and such would end up so small that it would be unreadable. This is one of the big challenges of using HTML tables on responsive width themes. The following is what we have to do to get your table to work on phones.

    .upcoming-events td {
        word-break: break-all;
  • One thing that would help would be to actually link a word or two in the Description column instead of just having the links within the descriptions.

  • Hi ;-)

    The code does not work as you mentioned.
    I have pointed out the problem to the Obsidian Theme Authors and hope to get some help from them, to maybe do the Calendar Page another way.

    Thanks and Best

  • You are welcome, and good luck. Perhaps the theme author will have an idea.

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