Calendar for Quentin nudged out of its box

  • I started with the Quentin scheme with a little calendar and a blogroll, the default stuff. I wanted to customize the sidebar, so I clicked Presentation/Sidebar Widgets and the box where you drop your items was empty. So I drag a calendar, categories and some other items into it and chose View Site. The Calendar is displayed, but it sticks out below the beige square it’s supposed to sit in.

    Tried to drag it out of the sidebar and add it again, but the problem persists.

    Is there any way to correct this manually? The sidebar is done, so if I can edit code I will :)

    The blog is

  • The calendar widget has that problem with most templates. I don’t recommend using it.

  • Well it worked when the template was untouched, so I assumed it was the usual “stuff moving around when html (xml) changes” kinda thing.

    OK, if it’s impossible to cure, what do you guys recommend in its place? Any cool (and wordpress legal) plugins? :)

  • It’s my understanding that plug-ins are not used in on our shared blogging platform due to security reasons. I believe if you consult the FAQs you will find an explanation there.

  • You sound very unsure. There really is NO way of embellishing a blog outside the default widgets?

  • Can I upload my own plugins FAQ just for reference. User installed plugins are not allowed since they would risk the security of the sites here. We’re also running a different platform than the normal WordPress software and a number of plugins don’t flat out work due to differences in the databases and how the files are located.

    The Calendar widget was working earlier. Even appears to be working fine on my test blog. I’ll drop staff a Feedback and point this out to them.

  • That’d be great, thank you drmike!

  • I’m beginning to think it’s a theme issue as I just installed it on a test blog and it’s out of place as well. Maybe the theme designer did it that way on purpose.

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