Calendar (Block) Navigation

  • When I first created my blog in August 2019, I added a calendar block so, if I kept writing, people could use it to see how many posts had been made each month (and then click the days or months they wanted to view). When September 2019 rolled around, it worked fine.

    After finally sharing my blog with somebody the other day, they reported that clicking on the “<< Aug” link did not make the calendar show August’s calendar, but rather took them to the “monthly archive” page listing all posts for that month.

    Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    This is because you’ve added that as a block to your site’s front page, meaning it can only ever appear on the front page.

    If you click the August link, it goes to the post archive page for August. That page is not made in the block editor like your front page, but is dynamically generated based on the posts published in a particular month, and cannot show any static content like what you’re able to add to your front page – you’ll notice it doesn’t show the archives block, the subscription form, or the comments form either.

    If you want the calendar to be visible on all pages on your site, you’ll need to add it to your site’s footer as a widget instead:

    Calendar Widget

    Then it will show the calendar for any given month if you view that month’s archive page.

    Same goes for the archive block:

    And the subscription form:

    Archive pages cannot show comments – those only show on static pages and posts.

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