C, C#, C , … They are not the same!

  • Dear WordPress,

    Recently I started a blog to share my misadventures as a new software developer and my attempts to master the language C++. Due to this I am quite interested in other blogs who either give tips and tricks or have a similar plot.

    However, it seems for your reader the topics C, C# and C++ are one and the same! Unfortunately, like you know yourself, this is not the case. There is quite a difference between C, C++ and C#! Now if I want to search blogs on WordPress dealing C++ I have to pay extra attention to the tagging of the posts, because some are actually about C or C#. I am quite certain this minor issue could be resolved by your company and I hope that you will put it on the list of bugs that would be neat to resolve!

    Kind regards,

    Nick Weymiens

  • Please be aware that it is us bloggers who choose which categories and tags to assign to posts. WordPress.com plays not role in that process and as they don’t run a blog directory they don’t compel us to assign categories and tags that they define.

    If WordPress.com Topics searches such as:
    then I suggest using Google search. Have you tried that?

    NOTE: The WordPress.com search engine indexes post, pages, and comments content (body text). Unless entered as text in those contents, blog name, post titles, and post/comment author names are not indexed. http://en.support.wordpress.com/wordpresscom-search/

  • Excuse me, timeThief, but the tags are there: C++, C and C# are actively used by various bloggers as tags. They are present in titles and in categories as far as I am aware. I am not asking WordPress to enforce the usage, because as you said, that is not their job.

    However if you enter this as a topic in the topic section in your reader it will consider C++, C and C# as one and the same thing. This is the error I wish to be adressed. If I am not mistake the goal of the reader is to make it easy to follow and find blogs of topics that interest you and to organise them easily. If it considers three completely different topics as the same it fails in that respect.

    Now the issue here seems that the WordPress search engine has trouble with special characters such as ‘+’ ‘/’ ‘#’ and causes issues when searching topics such as the topics.

    Now like you suggested, timeThief, if you go to Google you will have have better results, but is that not avoiding the issue? Should WordPress not strive to improve its own search engine?

  • This sis a punctuation in tags issue as far as I can tell. I understood you and I tagged this thread for Staff a Staff response. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting. As I do not fiddle/fuddle around with WordPress.com Topics searches and use Google search to locate what I need that’s why I made that suggestion to you.

  • Please forgive me for posting that muddled first sentence above. I’m visually challenged and currently suffering from eye strain. :(

    Replace that dreadful mess with:
    This is a punctuation in tags issue as far as I can tell. I understood you and I tagged this thread a Staff response.

  • Hi weymiensn,

    We strip out or ignore terminal punctuation at the end of tags. Generally such punctuation is meaningless (such as . and !).

    You make a good case for allowing some punctuation, however. You might consider posting this as an idea for an enhancement here:

  • This illustrates how dumb it is to make up names like C# or C++.

  • I thank you jackiedana for your answer. Of course, I know this will not be put high on the priority list (not like it is messing up WordPress), but at least it is getting some attention now. I hope that someday in the future an update comes and rectifies the silliness.

  • @jackiedana

    We strip out or ignore terminal punctuation at the end of tags. Generally such punctuation is meaningless (such as . and !).

    Thanks for confirming that this is a punctuation in tags issue.

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