Button to go to a sign up link

  • Hi! I am wanting to create a “sign up” button on my home page and it to take the user to my yoga classes I’m offering so they can enter their email amen enroll. How do I go about doing this? Thank you! Xo

  • Hi there, here’s what I’d recommend:

    1) Make the “landing page” you want the button to go to. It can have a contact form, a Calendly block, or whatever suits you. Publish the page.

    2) Add a button to the home page. Link it to the page you just made. You’re welcome to use a pre-made layout to do this, then just swap out the content, images, and links. Or you can add blocks as you like to get the look you want.

    If you have other questions, just let us know. Cheers!

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