button customization controls hidden

  • In the block editor for my front page (or any page), if I click on an individual button within a group, to see what options I might be able to edit for said button, a pop-up for selecting the link of the button pops up, obscuring the little rectangle of other customization options behind it. Apparently the only thing I customize for an existing button is its link, and maybe the “B” and “I” controls; all other buttons related to the button are hidden by the link-editing popup.

    (Incidentally, I would add a screen shot to show what I mean but I get “unknown error” every time I try. Media center refuses to load or allow me to upload from here. Also, neither of the buttons in the “help center” that pops up from within wordpress.com seem to work: whether trying to post in the forum or email someone for help, I can type in my question, but the “CONTINUE” button remains confusingly grayed out but also clickable—but clicking it does nothing. Ha, and they want me to upgrade. Let’s make the basic stuff work first, shall we?)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-Three) and deactivate plugins to see if the issue persists.
    If it resolves, re-enable plugins one by one to identify the culprit.
    Outdated data can sometimes cause unexpected behavior. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies, then try editing the button again.
    Ensure you’re using the latest version of WordPress, as updates often include bug fixes and improvements.

    Sometimes clicking outside the popup (but still within the block editor) can dismiss it and reveal the other settings.
    Press the Tab key to navigate between options without relying on the mouse.
    Press the Esc key to close the popup if it’s not behaving as expected.
    f you’re comfortable with basic HTML and CSS, use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the button element and manually adjust its properties.

    Ensure your browser is fully compatible with WordPress.com. Try using a different browser to see if the issues persist.
    Temporarily disable any browser extensions that might interfere with WordPress.com’s functionality.

    I hope these suggestions help! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

  • Thanks so much for the suggestions! Any apparent snark or ill will in the following response has nothing to do with any earnest attempts to help, and are only symptomatic of my frustration with what I’m finding to be awkward software design, which I wouldn’t care so much about if I were not paying for it—if I was going to have to be mucking about trying to figure things out, maybe I shoulda just gone with the “.org” solution instead of the “.com”, right? Ultimately, it’s not that big a deal, grand scheme of things, big picture, etc etc… 😆 Anyhoo, looks like I can get to whatever customization I might need via the sidebar—is there anything in that popup editor thingy that isn’t duplicated in the sidebar? I do not know…. 🤔

    Temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-Three) and deactivate plugins to see if the issue persists. If it resolves, re-enable plugins one by one to identify the culprit.

    Not willing to risk template change; previous experience messing about with things like that on this site have not lent me confidence that something won’t get janked up to the point where I’ll have to painstakingly puzzle my way back through all the sluggish, awkward settings to recreate what I’ve done already. I don’t have any plugins—though I’ve been encouraged to upgrade my plan so that I can install some. Ha, no thanks. I feel that I shoudn’t have to screw with all this for a paid product.

    Outdated data can sometimes cause unexpected behavior. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies, then try editing the button again.

    Had no apparent effect.

    Ensure you’re using the latest version of WordPress, as updates often include bug fixes and improvements.

    How is that my job for a paid product? I don’t see an option to check for updates. Nowhere that I’ve found in my settings, dashboard, etc can I even see what version I’m on.

    Sometimes clicking outside the popup (but still within the block editor) can dismiss it and reveal the other settings.

    Only moves to a different block or has no effect.

    Press the Tab key to navigate between options without relying on the mouse.

    Only cycles between fields of the obscuring pop-up.

    Press the Esc key to close the popup if it’s not behaving as expected.

    Well yes, this closes it, but it closes the whole business, including the obscured popup I was trying to get to.

    If you’re comfortable with basic HTML and CSS, use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the button element and manually adjust its properties.

    See above enervated commentary re “this is a paid product and stuff is supposed to work” (lol).

    Ensure your browser is fully compatible with WordPress.com. Try using a different browser to see if the issues persist.

    Tried latest Safari and Firefox; if these aren’t compatible I think I’m done here (lol).

    Temporarily disable any browser extensions that might interfere with WordPress.com’s functionality.

    Had no effect.

  • It’s perfectly reasonable to expect a paid product to be intuitive and user-friendly, and it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to risk breaking things further by experimenting with theme changes or other advanced solutions.
    As you discovered, most (if not all) options available in the popup editor are also accessible in the sidebar. Consider focusing on editing your buttons from there to avoid the frustrating popup.
    Learn the layout and options in the sidebar to efficiently access the settings you need.
    If the overall experience with WordPress.com falls short of your expectations, consider exploring other website platforms that might offer a better balance of features, ease of use, and control.
    Research options like self-hosted WordPress.org installations or other website builders that might fit your needs and technical comfort level

  • Hi there!

    @patohak488 thanks for trying to help out here – your suggestions, though, are mainly for WordPress.org users. If you’re using AI to help you craft your responses, make sure you specify the correct software in your prompt and check the answer before posting.

    @lobewire0m I’m so sorry to hear things are not working as they should! Could you please email our team directly at help@wordpress.com? We’re having some issues with the image block here on the forums, but you will be able to add a screenshot to your email :) Thank you!

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