Button 2 Theme

  • I’m trying to “Try & Customize” the Button 2 theme before I publish it… but I don’t like the placement of the Social Links menu. Also, on the main page, there is no sidebar. All the items that would be in the sidebar are just displayed below the menu. If you can help with any of this, or want to try at least, let me know! I’ll even publish it so you can see what I’m talking about. I should note that I only have a free blog account.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Ok. So I fixed the problems I had above. Now I’m trying to make the made Logo Image bigger… but I can’t seem too, no matter how big an image I use…

  • Hi there,

    Making the logo bigger requires custom CSS to override the theme’s design – the size of the log doesn’t depend on the size or your image, but on the size of the area your theme allocates to the logo.

    The option to add custom CSS to your theme is available in our Premium Plan.

  • This sucks. Thanks, Kokkieh!

  • It’s not a great work around, but for this particular theme, you could try experimenting with the header image to see if that will give you the bigger look you’re after.

    Or, if you’ll let us know what you like about Button, perhaps we could suggest an alternative.

  • I like the simplistic look. I also like that the menu items are centered. And the ability to create a Home page… much like a real website. That’s the main thing.

    Thanks for your help!

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