Business webpage include brands with link to ecommerce platform.

  • Hello,

    I would like to create Business webpage which will include brands with separate ecommerce platform. It means while clicking to any brand new webpage with ecommerce need to be opened separately. At the same time those ecommerce webpages will also operate independently.

    Maybe my explanation little bit complicated. Due to this I need your professional support to which package I need to upgrade. (Business, WooCommerce etc..)

    Thanks in advance, Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    I would like to create Business webpage which will include brands with separate ecommerce platform. It means while clicking to any brand new webpage with ecommerce need to be opened separately. At the same time those ecommerce webpages will also operate independently.

    Maybe my explanation little bit complicated. Due to this I need your professional support to which package I need to upgrade. (Business, WooCommerce etc..)

    Thanks in advance, Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

  • Hi there, and we are happy to suggest the right plan for you. If you could please, can you provide a bit more detail on the products and how thing will work?

    1. Will you be listing the products on your site, or just links to the eCommerce sites where those products are?
    2. Will this be done with affiliate links where you do not collect any funds from your site?
    3. Or will you list the various products on your site, collect the funds for product purchase, and shipping, and then the products will be dropshipped from the other sites?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

  • Hi there, I see you had started two forum posts on the same topic, so I have merged them into one. If you can let us know the three items I have asked about above, we are happy to help.

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