Business Account

  • Hi. We are trialling the business page for our new business but its only letting me up load 10 pics? Can i do more?
    Thanks Kylie
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Even a free account comes with 3GB of space; the business account is unlimited. Maybe with the trial there is a limit, but it can’t be smaller than the free account storage, IMO.

    A part of the service with a business account is live chat support, which is active Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm EST (UTC-5). You should find a link in your site’s Dashboard when it’s available.

  • Hi there! Even on trial, the Business upgrade allows you to upload an unlimited amount of images, songs or videos to your Media Library. Business [Redirects to Plans]

    As of my last check, I can see that you were able to upload more pictures to your Media Library. Have you gotten this sorted out? Let me know if you had any other questions or concerns. Thanks!

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