Bushwick theme – options to remove widgets added on activating the theme

  • Hi there,

    On activating the Bushwick theme, Archives widget and Meta widgets are added to the site by default, there being no options to remove the same.

    Is this a kind of bug?

  • Hi,

    So I know it looks that way, but if you customize that sidebar widget (in Apeparance > Customizer > Widgets) in any way, the defualt archives and meta stuff goes away.

    Let me know if it doesn’t work that way for you.

  • Hi there,

    Yes, that is correct, it goes away even if we put a space in the widget section. However, there is no way to manage these widgets without customizing the sidebar widget.

    These widgets cannot be even retained once the sidebar has been customized, that is a widget has been added.

  • Hi Varsha,

    That is correct and is how this theme, and many older classic themes, were designed to work (Bushwick has been on WordPress.com since 2013).

    It used to be standard practice for some default widgets to be included in most themes. Adding any custom widget would remove the default ones, but otherwise the default ones are always visible so that the widget area isn’t empty.

    Nowadays we don’t make themes like that anymore, but this isn’t a bug :)

  • Thanks @kokkieh,

    That explains a lot! Isn’t it weird that since the Meta widget is a legacy widget now, there is no way to retain it once we have customized the sidebar?

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