Bulk Editing Posts Leads to Errors

  • When I attempt to send a large number of posts to trash at the same time or to empty my trash, it shows that there’s an error. Either it says: ‘Whoops!
    Something has gone wrong with our servers, and we’ve just been notified of the problem.
    This will be fixed as soon as possible, so kindly reload in a minute and things should be back to normal.’ or occasionally there’s an error code, but I can’t remember which one and I can’t replicate it at the moment.

    I’ve reduced the amount of posts I’m attempting to delete at a time, but it still happens; although when I come back to my admin area it does seem to have worked occasionally.

  • Hi @oneleakypen, thanks for the details. If you’re able to reproduce this again, can you get a screenshot of what you see? You’ll want to include the URL at the top, and also let us know which page you were on when it happened / which posts you were deleting, etc.

    You can upload the image to cloudup.com, dropbox, or your media library, then include a link here. Thanks!

  • Thanks for letting us know. Seems this comes up every once in a while, and we haven’t yet found the exact cause and cure.

    We’ll let you know once we figure it out.

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