building new site

  • I paid a company to build me a custom site through word press but the company is no longer doing any work to my site and has failed to do things like add SEO hosting. I keep getting an email from word press about an update but I can’t run the update because the company, My Best Studio, isn’t getting it done or getting back to me with my password. I want to transfer my custom site to the business plan through wordpress to get SEO’s and such done myself but I’m not sure how to go about that and if that’s not possible is there a way to have wordpress do the build out of a new site so I have control but they build it for me due to time constraints?

  • Hi @infinityaerial814305395.

    What is the site you are working on and where is it currently hosted? Let’s start there and see what we can do to get things back on track for you.

  • Thank you for the updated info. Yes, it does look like was created using software. It is currently hosted on GoDaddy though, so we can’t help you get access to it because it isn’t here at You will want to contact GoDaddy support to see what they can do.

    What I can tell you is that once you are able to access it we have a process in place to help you move it here to There is a step-by-step walkthrough at the link below if you want to look over the steps to see what’s involved:

    If you go that route, we are always here to help – both on the forums and over live chat if you have a paid plan (the Business plan would qualify you for this).

    It is also worth mentioning that for that import process to complete correctly the original site will need to be up and running. The file generated in the export process contains links to the images rather than the images themselves, and the import process looks for those images at their original location and downloads them to the new site. Once that process is complete the old site can be removed. (I realize that this is a few steps ahead of where you are in the process, but I wanted to mention it.)

    Please don’t hesitate to ask further questions as they come up. I know the process can seem detailed at times – know that we are always happy to help! :)

  • @cookgradensew is a WIX site hosted by Servint
    Name Servers:

  • @timethief-

    I know that the site is using Wix DNS servers, but taking at look at the HTML content of the site shows that it is a WordPress site.

    You can see references to wp-content and wp-includes in the header and the some of the meta says “Powered by WPBakery Page Builder – drag and drop page builder for WordPress” so it does appear to be a WP site even though the DNS is a bit misleading.

    My best guess is that it was a Wix site at one point and the Wix name servers were pointed to the new site. (Though admittedly that part it just a guess.)

    My WHOIS search turned up GoDaddy as the registrar, but a different search does show Servint as the host, so that is a great catch.

    – To gain access you’ll need to contact whichever host is currently hosting your content. :)

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