BUG: symbols in code blocks converted to HTML escape sequences

  • Here’s how to reproduce:

    1. Start a new post in the new edit screen (the blue one).
    2. Click the HTML tab with markdown enabled, and write the following post:

    foo -> bar

    3. Click on the visual mode tab.
    4. Click back to HTML mode.

    The -> will have been converted to its HTML sequence >.

    This is quite frustrating. Especially since visual mode is still necessary because some features are missing from the HTML editor (no way to upload images, for example).

    I’ve had multiple formatting issues, some happen after saving (!!!) but this one is easy to reproduce. I must say the markdown experience is poor due to the editor’s many unpredictable quirks which sometimes result in entire posts being reformatted in strange ways. I find myself writing in separate files, because I can’t trust that WordPress won’t corrupt my file upon saving.

    Perhaps the markdown and WSIWYG editors should be separate, since their features are incompatible (for example, [code] blocks cause similar formatting issues).

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    I believe that’s a known issue reported in this editor feedback thread https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/editor-feedback?replies=713

  • @noam87, thanks for the report. That other thread’s pretty long, so I’ll see what I can do to find some details here.

  • Here we go. I’ve found the feature request thread on Github. You’d be welcome to follow it here:

    In the meantime, you can add /wp-admin to the end of your site url to access the older editor. Cheers!

  • thanks. the new look is great, but as a user it feels premature to have released it without warning that it’s still in beta state. Especially when there are bugs that can potentially undo one’s work. — For a non-technical user this would not be a pleasant surprise.

  • We rewrote the interface from the ground up and have been testing it here for quite a while now before releasing it. We still need to add some features back in, but it’s not beta. You can read a bit of the back story here if you’re interested.

    The Story Behind the New WordPress.com

  • ioganegambaputifonguser · Member ·

    I have the same bug.

    I write some html example in text mode

    [code language="html"]
    <div ng-repeat="entity in selector">
    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="entity.val" ng-change="updateModel(entity)"></input>
    <span ng-bind="entity.value"></span>

    Switch to visual mode and back and it becomes

    [code language="html"]
    <input type="checkbox" />


    It has corrupted my content.

    Maybe i miss something? But now i can`t finish my post with html examples code in it.

  • Hi @ioganegambaputifonguser, that sounds like a different issue than lack of markdown support. Can you start a new thread or get in touch here?


  • @ioganegambaputifonguser, thanks for reporting this! I added it to the following bug report in case you’d like to follow along there:


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