Bug in the site/app

  • Hi ,

    I had edited few earlier post’s publish date to today. It make that
    post appear as recent post, it is not recreated because I can able to see
    the likes and comments that was there earlier. So I believe it is just
    updating the publishing date info in the db , so Total count should not
    increase, But it is showing total count mismatch in two pages

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Exactly which app are you referring to please? And, what is the exact version of your app?

    Please see here first https://apps.wordpress.org/support/

    If you are unable to resolve your issue please post this specific info here:
    (a) Exactly what kind of device you are using to connect to the internet and to WordPress.com.
    (b) Exactly which browser (and version of it) you’re using by checking here if necessary http://supportdetails.com/

    Then type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for a Staff follow-up. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? https://en.support.wordpress.com/getting-help-in-the-forums/#how-do-i-get-a-moderatorstaff-reply-for-my-question Also subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond and be patient while waiting. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • pensionsguiden · Member ·

    Hi Timethief,

    It seems like I have a bug in my selected theme “Intergalactic 2”. Do you know how I can remove a word that appears in the background of the front page? I have really tried everything without success.

    The word appears in all devices (iPhone, iMac, iPad). Web browser Safari (latest version).

    Best regards,
    awiator11 (Sweden)

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